ANGELA MARZULLO | Living (in) the archive of radical feminism

1 > 26.3.2021, Fondazione claudia Lombardi per il Teatro

The Foundation has decided to host the Swiss artists Angela Marzullo (director and performer) and Carlotta Storelli (dancer, artist and performer) with their research project “Living (in) the archive of radical feminism”. The project, begun initially by Angela, later joined by Carlotta, develops the themes associated with the birth of the “Rivolta femminile”, radical feminism movement and the “Autocoscienza femminista”, feminist self-awareness work led by the art critic Carla Lonzi and the painter Carla Acardi of Rome. Their research is based on historical source work from the archives in Rome and from the Associazione Archivi Riuniti delle Donne Ticino (Archives of Ticinese Women) in Massagno. Their research work will culminate in an installation joining performance and narrative.

The artists will present an extract of their research work on Wednesday 24 March  live on Fondazione’s social channels.